NEWADA duo, an EU funded project (South East Europe Programme), supports the waterway management authorities of the Danube riparian states in achieving a common level of service in waterway management along the Danube.
RGO Communications Ltd. is an IT consultant within the implementation of the NEWADA duo project on behalf of the Croatian partner, Agency for Inland Waterways. One of the key deliverables within the project is pilot implementation of Aids to Navigation (AtoNs) - virtual and remote monitoring systems.
The main objective is to increase safety of navigation by installing electronic devices on the floating marks that transmit information on the status and position of an AtoN via the available AIS infrastructure. With the same purpose, a system will be developed which will enable authorities to place virtual AtoNs on the waterway, displayed on a ship based viewer. Virtual AtoNs will significantly increase navigation safety, as they can be placed in the critical location as soon as the authority has identified a navigation safety problem such as low water level, obstruction in the fairway, physical AtoN off-position etc.
The pilot implementation will be done on the selected stretches of the Danube waterway.
Upgrade of Czech AIS central system
The object of the contract is the delivery and
installation of the software solution "Extension of AIS server",
including the provision of follow-up support in the form of further
modifications of the system, extending the newly added functionalities and
adapting the existing functionalities to the current client needs. This project
is a part of the RIS COMEX investment action.
The tasks that RGO Communications will be
performing within the contract include:
- introduction of the export and import
interface of raw AIS data,
- upgrade to LAVDIS interface,
- introduction of AIS server redundancy,
- extending the AIS Data Management Center,
- harmonization of graphic HTML interface,
- advanced features for working with vessels on
the AIS website,
- support the
customer with the implemented system and related software tools.